We provide exceptional care and create a nurturing, educational, and fun environment, which meets the needs and exceeds the expectations of the families we serve by using a healthy, developmental, and dynamic approach.


We operate from an ethical frame of reference. We adhere to a standard of conduct which is consistent with the overall values of The Sisters of Saint Francis and our community, behaving with honesty and fairness and owning up to our faults, while keeping focus on our mission.


We utilize teamwork and cooperation in our work. We achieve synergy and positive overall results through partnerships and teamwork. We work together and effectively utilize resources to provide children with high quality care, services, programs, facilities and resources.


We recognize and respect social identities that our different from our own and those of the groups to which we belong. We promote awareness about human identities such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, and disabilities, recognizing that each individual has value.